Monday, August 24

Info about my blog!!

Hey everyone,

As most of you know, I will be traveling again soon and I would like for you all to read my blog! I will be traveling to Barcelona, Spain where I will be living for four months in an apartment in the center of the city with 3 other U.S. students. This will be my last semester of college and hopefully an exciting one!! Feel free to hand out the link to my blog to anyone who might be interested in reading. I'm sure this will be even more eventful than the last trip! However, please note that not all posts may be PG. I will try to keep it as generic as possible but, I can be pretty dramatic at times!
You might have noticed that I changed the web address to This way I will be able to write about all of my travels. I will try to write as often as possible!! I look forward to your comments!!
