Wednesday, November 4

Feeling a bit drained....

The past 3 days have been rather interesting. I've been very tired recently and the work load at school this week has really been putting a damper on my fun activities. lol I haven't seen the inside of a "discotec" or a club for about 2 weeks. (withdrawls) I think I need to go out dancing in order to rid myself of this constant "DRAINED" feeling. I can usually handle much home I work a full time job AND go to school. I think that the environment here is just different, it's so much more relaxed so it's hard to get in the mindset 'I need to get things done today' because things seem to be put off until 'manana' here all the time!

After my weekend adventure it was sadly time to return to school. Honestly though, school is fun and I don't mind it so much, a lot of the work we have though is redundant so it tends to get annoying. I'm also not used to having such long semesters. We still have two months left and I feel like we should be having exams next week! Classes started slowly and they have given us all this time to do our so called "group project research and work" but it's hard to do this research when we don't really know what exactly we are researching! They don't provide you with a schedule or syllabus here or the written requirements and outline of how they want the papers and presentations so it's hard to just make this stuff up when that's the format that we are so accustomed too. So, now they want us to put the information together, that we don't really have, and put it in a presentation. I'm also not used to having 8 different classes. So, as you can tell.. I have a lot on my mind as far as school goes.....

Monday we gave some presentations in class and I noticed that my roommate Sam wasn't in class so I was curious as to where he could be...class was pretty boring, we went over some more traditional food and customs... On break I learned that Sam had gone to the hospital early in the morning and that's why he wasn't in class. I guess he thought he was having an allergic reaction because he was breaking out on his neck and his face. We didn't really know much so we had lunch and then we went to our second class. During break, Kevin, the other American guy, had seen Sam and found out that he had chickenpox! Of all things to get in Spain, he gets the chickenpox! What terrible luck right? And where on earth did he get this!? We were all a little shocked and some of the girls in our program have never had the chickenpox so they were a little shocked. It's not as prevalent in Europe although most people do get it when they are young and they also don't have a vaccine for it here as well. I immediately thought to myself "I've never had the chickenpox either!" I called my mom and my school to look at my health records to find out if I'd had the shot, both said yes HOWEVER, I've read and heard of cases were you can still get the chickenpox or shingles even if you have been vaccinated! I tried not to think about it and went on with class, after we got home from school we got all the details from Sam about his hospital visit and what not, turns out, Sam has also had the chickenpox vaccine and he has the chickenpox! What do ya know!?!? So, I've decided that I am going to stay as far away from Sam as possible! I really do feel bad for him though because he isn't going to be able to go to Amsterdam with us this weekend and now he has to cancel his flight and his hostel room! I really hope that they refund his money, he's looking into it as we speak..
Monday night was pretty uneventful, I did some grocery shopping and decided to try out a few new "Catalan" items this week like Cream Catalan, something similar to Creme Brulee but different, some pesto sauce, and a different kind of bread. I haven't had the Catalan Creme yet but the bread and the sauce were both good! I worked on some homework this evening and then went for a walk down by the port with some friends.

Tuesday we had Spanish early as usual. We are having our Spanish exam tomorrow morning and then next week we are going to start learning Catalan!! Soy nerviosa! I'm nervous! I feel pretty confident because most of what I have learned has been a review but I've also learned many new things so I'm going to spend the majority of my night studying!! We have a written and an oral part to the exam, I'm nervous about the oral! After Spanish ended our other class with Marta got moved up to 12:30 so we didn't have a long 3 hour break! Muy bien! We haven't had her class for 3 weeks so we finally got to give our presentation on America! lol We turned in our homework and then we found out that next week she can't be here for class again!! I honestly don't know how I keep getting so lucky! Hopefully this luck carries me through the chickepox scare! After school I went with Alex's group to the Chocolate Museum of Barcelona because they were assigned this specific location this week. I was so jealous, my group got some stupid Theatre! Overall it was a good museum, very short. When you think about a chocolate museum you think that you'll probably get to see them making the chocolate but actually they don't make any chocolate there, it's basically just the "history"of chocolate. The ticket that they give you is an actual chocolate bar and they had some pretty cool interactive exhibits. I got free chocolate and I learned something new! What could be better? After the museum I went with Alex to buy some stuff for her hair and then I came home for a little while before meeting with my group at 6. My group and I went to our streets and this week we brought my Spanish friend, Monsey, to do some interpreting for us! She was great and we talked to 5 or 6 different people. Turns out, there is a lot of prostitution and robbery on both of our streets! We had no idea, so today in our research class we had much to tell Katherine about our project! After I got home I didn't really do much, I worked on my map project with Alex, took a short nap, made some dinner and hit the hay!! I've been going to bed around my normal time 2 a.m.! lol I know that sounds crazy but that's life here!!

Today I had to get up a little earlier to get some of my traveler's checks cashed for rent today. Our landlord sent me a message yesterday asking if he could come by today and pick up the rent so I had to go to the bank early today because all the banks close here at 12 or 2! After I got that accomplished I went to school, mapped out a route for our motorbike project and went to class. Event management - at this point in my blog everyone should know how I feel about this stupid class - B-O-R-I-N-G! I dread this one every week. The teachers just go on and on and today they made us watch a video and then she directly asked us what we saw in the video, not like a normal teacher who would ask questions related to the video, no, no, she asked us what we saw and when we all just looked at her like, "is she seriously asking us this?" she began telling us what we saw in the video. Like, HELLO??? Anybody in there?? I just watched your boring video, I clearly saw what was in the video, I don't need you to tell me what I saw AGAIN in the video! It was boring enough the first time around. Gezz....

After class I housed my lunch and then surfed the internet in the CDT and then headed to Katherine's class. It was pretty uneventful, she finally told us, half way through the term how she wants us to put together the group project. Nice. After class I went home, relaxed, made dinner, hung out with some friends, and now I am up late doing some last minute studying for my Spanish exam tomorrow!! Wish me luck!! Hopefully I'll be able to make one more post tomorrow before I leave for Amsterdam early on Friday morning!! I'm excited but I definitely need to get some rest before my trip!

Hasta Manana Amigos!


Aunt Jo said...

Busy, busy. No wonder you are tired all the time! I had chicken pox two times so it is possible! Looking forward to next post about Amsterdam.

Julie Stevens said...

Glad you're liking school. Don't forget to have fun--just not too much!