Saturday, July 19

OMG!! Here I come Santorinii!!

Soo, i JUST booked a room in Santorini!! AHHH!! I'm so excited.....after this i can officially say that i've seen all of Greece!!! I talked to my bff Stella last night and i told her the options and we discussed it and decided that i better go to Santorini if i have the chance...heck, she's been to Greece a million times, her family lives her, and she's never been! So...she might meet us in Athens and go with us...however, i'm not sure yet...My friend heather and i booked a triple room because that's all they had. two other people on the trip want to go but aren't sure yet. Heather and I are the only definites so far. If either of the people don't end up going I'm def. going to try and get stella to go and if no one else can go, well we'll just have an extra bed!! lol I'm so excited! I'm really out here seeing the world and its amazing!!! PLUS my favorite part of this...I'm going to get to ride a DONKEY!! (What i've been wanting to do the whole trip!!) We'll be staying in a youth hostel...thank the lord for student discounts!! :) It looks really nice and there's air conditioning and a pool!! A girl on the trip went to the islands before our trip started and told us things to do like the black beach, the red beach, the white beach, clubs and bars, and the volcano....and well, my own personal input...ride a donkey...but if anyone has any other ideas...let me know, i imagine i won't have too much to to research everything to the ends of the earth like some people i know...(cough julie cough)! So...get on it sis! haha :D (Can't wait for the chick-fila breakfasts and dinners!!)

So thats the big news of the day. As for the's going ok i guess. Today was really crappy. I was in the taverna from 12-6 and it was so unbearably hot!! I could not breathe! Plus, the workers there made me do like all their sucked. I've been in a pretty sour mood today until this recent news. Hopefully though tomorrow will be better! I'm in the restaurant for 3 hours in the morning and then back in the evening for dinner. See, in Greece they don't work a 9-5 like we do in the states or more or less an 8 -8 for most...haha we spend our lives at our jobs or let our world revolve around them. However, here in Greece they work for a while in the morning, go home in the afternoon for lunch, a nap, hell why not a swim?...and then return in the evening for a few more hours. This is how all the shops and businesses operate...some days they come back for the evening...sometimes they don't! Lunch here isn't at noon's from 3-5ish. Just some interesting info. lol So work schedule is something like that tomorrow. However, hotels are an exception to this rule i believe because someone has to be at some restaurant at all hours of the day at a resort. Soo..but for the majority of the population, this is how they work. I'm planning on spending my break at the beach!! YAY!! :)
So work was not enjoyable today but just for an update on the's not leftovers..thank goodness... they make food for us and we eat in the back of the restaurant for breakfast and dinner before the guests and then the taverna for lunch.'s not bad food either...just normal stuff we've been having..but better. lol So i'm not starving, and i'm pretty well stocked on snacks for the weeks. I've eaten like a lb. of cherries that i bought at the flea market already! The staff here are ok, most speak some english and i did learn some greek watch out, he was pretty impressed with what i knew from rosetta and all too!! There is one lady i do not like here though...she approached me and was like, don't you work here?? and i was like yea i'm interning with the big group and she was like ok well get your feet off the table, (my whole foot was not on the table, i had shoes on, and they were just balancing on the edge) and you can't use the internet until after 11:00pm. I just looked at her like she was stupid and said ok...she stood over by the front desk for about 15 mins. and then sighed and went back to her room. AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED..she can kiss my big fat a**. #1, she herself is just another intern for the summer so who does she think she is that she can tell me what to do, #2...what was she really going to do?? cause i certainly wasn't moving until my pics were uploaded, and #3..its a freaking wireless internet connection...its not like i'm HOGGING up all the internet so the other guests can't use it...i mean come on..lets get real!?!?....and FINALLY #4...its not like i was in a uniform or anything so the guests could clearly see me, the only reason she knew i worked here was because she was at lunch earlier...none of these guests know anything either..i saw like a whole 20 people today! PLUS, i'm not sure if she's aware...i'm PAYING to work here so again...she can kiss my butt...i thought about bringing this up to our teacher but i'm not trying to start anything...i'll just pretend like i didn't hear her...and that will be next time, i won't be so nice...

So also i just wanted to say, I'm having a blast here even though I've had a rough day's so amazing to be in a whole other world. This trip has opened up a lot of doors for me and i know what i want my focus to be for my masters. I want to do an MBA with like a concentration on International Relations. I could def. see myself working in another country as an experiate manager or something after school and seeing the rest of the world before i do whatever else. (# 1 reason i chose this field of study!) The past couple years have been rough and i feel like i'm finally getting a true college experience on this trip with the friendships i've made and the roomate thing... i love it most of the time! lol I'm happier right now than i have been in quite some time with the way things have been going the past two years and i'm so glad i signed on for this. I pretty much owe all of this to my friend Stella, she's the one who made me fill out the application after the deadline at the last minute!

BTW, i just wanted to let everyone know that my group did not get chosen for the final night dinner, thank goodness...i did not want the stress of that! AND...the best news of the day aside from my trip to Santorini is I GOT AN "A" in my History and Culture Class!!! YAY!!! :D This class was only 4.5 credits but still its something! The other one hasn't been added up yet because this week counts as a percentage but i'm pretty sure i'm going to pull out with nothing less than a "B." Hopefully an "A". If i can get an "A" in this next class this means my GPA could be amazing!! :) This would be a good thing so i can take an extra class in the fall and winter and get this johnson and wales thing over with as fast as possible so i can get on with couch burning and moonshine drinking! haha I'm j/k everyone calm down!! (a little)

Alright...that's it for today...hope you enjoyed this one...lots of interesting things today! I have work at 8 and i need sleep!! Goodnight, look for more tomorrow or the next day!!


Julie LaChance / Julie Sugarplum said...

We all read this and decided you must be drunk. LOL! Sounds like this trip was a great thing for you. Live it up!

Anonymous said...

Annie, I was thinking that WHEN you write your book, you could title it "Oysters and a Donkey - My life as a Grecian Princess".
Congratulations on the "A".
Heard your greek is getting better too . . . Way to go Annie!